Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Obituary: Louis Lenart dies in Israel

The new documentary, Above and Beyond (which is excellent but not for kids) showcases the remarkable story of the birth of the Israeli air force in 1948. One of the first pilots, Lou Lenart, just passed away. Here is his obituary

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Some articles for the week

Jewish boy from France who converts to Islam, joins ISIS, goes to Syria and dies in fighting there

An Israeli Technion student has invented a way of telling if people are sad on social media (suicide alerts) and therefore in need of intervention and help before they hurt themselves

Moving video of Israeli wounded and now giving back to others

Monday, June 8, 2015

Orthodox owned horse wins race on Shabbat

See this funny article about a horse who raced on Shabbat and won, after his non-Jewish jockey visited the grave of Rebbe Shneerson.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Hijab Case

Discuss this case with your kids, arguing for each side: should someone be denied a job because they want to cover their hair at work?

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Iraqi Muslim who Finds Out He is Jewish!

See this beautiful video on a man who grew up Muslim, finds out his maternal grandmother is Jewish, and changes his whole life, moving to Jerusalem and becoming a religious Jew!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Shabbat Accommodation and Fun Video

An interesting case from the UK: a woman filed a lawsuit because she lost a job due to her Shabbat observance. Here's the article. Discuss with kids about whether she was right and what "religious accommodation" means.

Then watch this video and discuss with your kids. What does it mean to learn Jewish language and culture but not the religion?