Thursday, June 27, 2013

Increase in Israeli Arabs Volunteering for National Service

Summary of Article: A record number of 3,000 Israel Arabs have volunteered this year for national service, up by 76%. This is very brave, considering that many Arab leaders have threatened these youth for their choice to serve. 90% of these youth serve in the Arab sector, volunteering in schools, day cares, and drug recovering programs. They must be courageous, for one woman volunteer had the windows of her home broken as a result. It seems the Palestinian public is in favor of service but the leadership is against it. The breakdown of Arab ethnicity serving is 17% Christian Arab, 21% Druze and 58% Bedouin Muslim. Israel held a ceremony last week praising them.

Discussion with Kids:
  • What is national service in Israel? Who serves, how old are they, for how long? (Men for three years, girls for two years, often starting at 18 right out of high school. Nearly all Jewish Israelis serve). 
  • Jews aren't the only citizens of Israel. 20% of the population is Arab Israelis. Do they have to serve? (No) But some choose to. 
  • Why is this a courageous choice?
  • What sort of programs do you think they want to volunteer in? Combat units? Schools? 
  • What would you want to do if you did Israeli national service?

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