Thursday, April 30, 2015

More from Nepal

Lots this week on Nepal. Some updates to share with your kids:

  • The death toll has now risen over 5000 
  • A teenage boy was rescued today by a USAID team and locals. He had been trapped beneath a collapsed building for 5 days! Can you imagine not eating or drinking and being locked inside a room for 5 day? 
  • Israel sent more volunteers to help in Nepal than any other country, reports CNN. Israel sent around 200 people. The next largest group was from England, which sent 68. Israel has also donated the most financial aid -- $10 million. 
  • About 2000 Israeli travelers were in Nepal during the earthquake! (They like to visit after serving in the army). All have been found and are ok except for one. Or Asaf, 22 years old, is still missing. 

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