Sunday, January 6, 2013

High Schooler Suspended for Racist Bullying of Another Student

 Discussion Outline: 
  • In art class, a boy gave a girl offensive items during art class. 
    • What were these items? 
    • Why were they offensive to her and her community?
      • History of KKK and noose -- give info on this as age appropriate. 
    • This isn't the only time this girl has been picked on at school. What else has happened to her? 
  • The girl who was bullied was one of only three blacks in a school of 450. What must it be like for her to come to school every day? 
  • How does she probably feel now that she was bullied? How do the other 2 black students at school probably feel?
  • If you were a student in the art class and saw this boy bullying this girl, what would you have done? What could you have done to help her? 
  • What happened to the boy for what he did? What does it mean to be suspended (in the long and short term)? (Answer: short term, you miss school; long term, it goes on your permanent record when applying to colleges, etc.)
  • If you ever feel you are being bullied, what should you do?  
  • iPad: for younger kids, locate on map where is Wisconsin; for older kids, show pictures of noose and KKK signs (see link).  

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