Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Obama's Unveils Plan for Next 4 Years

Article (click here)

Discussion Outline:

  • In a big speech, President Obama today outlined his plan for his next four years as president. The speech was about all the changes he hopes to make in America before he is done being president.
    • If you were President Obama, what is 1 change you would like to make to America?
  • The changes President Obama announced were:
    • Climate change: finding ways to help the environment. For instance, making energy standards on household appliances to reduce reliance on electricity. 
    • Gay Marriage: making it legal for gays and lesbians to be married anywhere in America
    • Immigration Reform: making it possible for people in America without permission to stay, especially students and skilled professionals.
    • More government: expanding government's role in daily life, such as social security, medicare, etc.
  • If you had to choose one thing on the list as the most important, what would it be and why?
  • What do you think is the most important thing President Obama did in the last four years?
    • Ideas: killing Osama bin Laden; Obama Care; Cash for Clunkers Program; bailing out the banks; holding the first seder in the White House. 

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