Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Doctors Refusing to Treat Patients Who Won't Vaccinate Their Kids

Article: Some doctors in LA are refusing to treat patients whose parents won't let them get vaccinated for measles, rubella and other contagious and easily vaccinated diseases. The vast majority of parents get their kids vaccinated and thus stop them from getting potentially deadly diseases. But some parents refuse the immunization because they believe that vaccinations could cause their kids to get other diseases, like autism. The medical establishment has totally debunked the theory that vaccinations lead to autism; parents who continue to believe this are thought to be misinformed. The risk posed to kids who do not get vaccinated is thought to be far greater. Therefore, doctors are starting to refuse to treat patients who refuse the vaccine. Other doctors say this isn't a good idea because they then lose the opportunity to convince parents to change their minds. This has become increasingly important lately with the outbreak of measles. What do you think is the best approach for doctors?

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