Thursday, February 19, 2015

Yemen's Remaining Jews in Trouble

Article: In the last few weeks, Yemen, a Muslim country south of Saudi Arabia (Kids: find on map), has been taken over by terrorists. The US recently evacuated all embassy staff. Jews have lived in Yemen for thousands of years, some believe since biblical times. Jews have lived in Yemen even before the Muslims came. While thousands of Jews used to live in Yemen, all that remains of Jewish life now are cemeteries, thousand-year old stone homes in hillside villages, and a few families. Those Jews still there--a little more than 50, most of whom are children--are regularly harassed with expressions like, "Dirty Jew," when they go to the market. They stay in their homes as much as they can. In 2007, militants told Jews in Saada they had 10 days to leave or else. Nevertheless, the Jews remain proud. The boys all wear earlocks/peius, to show they are Jews. The remaining Jews are looking to go to Israel or the US. All are looking to leave. Within a few years, there will likely be no Jews left in this country that once had thousands.

See article for pictures. Kids: look at how the Jewish children are dressed. Do they dress like you? Why not? How does our clothing reflect our society? 


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