Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Historic Wine Found in Israel

Happy 1st Night of Chanukah!!

Article: Archaeologists have discovered a 3,700 year old wine cellar in Israel. This is perhaps the earliest evidence of wine production. The wine cellar was found in a ruined palace in a Canaanite city in northern Israel (Tel Kabri), near Israel's current wineries. The archeologists' excavations found 40 large jars in a storage room. Though no liquid survived, leftover organic materials trapped in the jars' pores suggest that wine made from grapes was stored in there and that the wine was sweet, strong and medicinal. Researchers think they may be able to recreate the flavor of the 3,7000 wine one day!

  • Memory recall: what is an archaeologist? How do they do their job?
  • Why is wine kept in a cellar?
  • When else have we heard the work "Canaan?" (Torah)
  • Why is it interesting that the wine cellar was found near current wineries?
  • What does it mean that the wine was "medicinal?" How was wine used for medical purposes in the olden days? (As an anesthetic and as a cleanser of wounds)

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