Monday, January 13, 2014

Obituary: Ariel Sharon (1928-2014)

Article: One of Israel's greatest warriors, former defense minister and former prime minister, Ariel Sharon, died this weekend at age 85. Sharon fought or commanded troops in every one of Israel's wars for over 50 years, beginning with the War of Independence (1948). He is responsible both for building Israel's settlement campaign in the West Bank and Gaza and for initiating Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. Many say his life spanned the founding and building of the State of Israel. He had an unswerving devotion to Israel and the Jewish people, believing that Jews will only be safe so long as they can defend themselves by themselves.

Born Ariel ("Arik") Scheinermann on a kibbutz in Palestine in 1928, he remembers growing up hoeing the land with his father. He changed his last name to Sharon (meaning Israeli coastal plain) as a teenager. In 1948, he commanded an infantry unit and was wounded in a battle to secure the road to Jerusalem, which was under siege. Later, he created Unit 101, tasked with conducting secret operations against Palestinian terrorists. He became famous for his effective tactics and raids. Not a religious man, his Zionism came from pragmatism rather than religion. He also knew personal tragedy. His first wife died in a car accident in 1962 and his son, Gur, died in a shooting accident 5 years later. After his first wife's death, Sharon wed her younger sister, Lily. They remained married until her death. They had two sons and 6 grandchildren. Before his sudden stroke, which led to his death, he believed he could bring peace to Israel.

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