Tuesday, January 14, 2014

West African Lions Nearly Extinct

Sorry for posting so late in the day! 

Article: Research shows lions in West Africa may be on the brink of extinction. There may only be less than 250 left, confined to less than 1% of their historic land. The study shows that without dramatic conservation, nearly all the West African lions will become extinct in the next five years. Reasons for their extinction: people have converted their wild lands to pastureland, leading to less land and inbreeding; people have hunted the lion's traditional prey (antelopes, gazelles, buffalos, zebras); people have gotten into problems with the animals and killed them. Due to little money, West African countries have put almost no money into conservation. Most research teams and tourism go to East and Southern Africa, leaving little money going to conservation in West Africa.


  • What can be done to immediately save/conserve the lions of West Africa?
  • What can research institutions do to help? 
  • Look at a map of the region and discuss West v. East v. South African conservation efforts
  • Discuss why it is important to protect animals and our planet. 


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