Monday, January 27, 2014

Pope's Ill Omen?

Article: The Pope appeared in the Vatican yesterday to pray for victims of civil unrest and violence in Ukraine. For over a week now, protesters have been fighting with police and government over the government's choice to sign a bail-out pact with Russia instead of a long-hoped for trade agreement with the EU. The fights have recently become violent. As a symbolic gesture of hopes for "constructive dialogue" between the feuding parties and for future good will, he had children release two doves into the air. Almost as soon as they took off, a seagull attacked one dove and a crow repeatedly attacked another. See here for pictures documenting the whole thing. Commentators say this attack shows that omen is actually an ill omen; others say it is coincidence.


  • What do you think? Do you think it is an ill omen or coincidence? 
  • What does it mean to be superstitious? What are examples of ways you have seen people be superstitious or you are superstitious? 

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