Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Obituary: Shirley Temple Dies at 85

Article: Iconic actress Shirley Temple passed away this week. She is famous as the dimpled, curly-haired child star who sang, danced, cried and smiled her way into audience hearts during the Depression-era. From 1935-1938 she was America's top box-office star, starting when she was 3 years old. She was loved for her expert singing and tap dancing. No other child star has ever beat her record. Today's kids may recognize "Animal Crackers in my Soup," which she made famous, seen here. She later made history by being the first to tap dance with an African-American man, seen here.  She had a line of dolls made to look like her and all girls wanted to look and dress like her. She even had a drink named after her -- a cocktail of ginger ale and syrup with a cherry.President Franklin Roosevelt once said that "as long as our country has Shirley Temple, we will be all right." She helped Americans forget their troubles through her smiling face.

When she got older, audiences were no longer interested. She retired at 21 and raised a family, what she says was her life's greatest role. She also said her mother shielded Shirley from becoming spoiled by fame. She never left her daughter alone on a set; when she once did, a director got Shirley to cry for a scene by frightening her; she never left Shirley again. Shirley never went down the track of drugs and alcoholism, as besets so many other child stars. Later in life, she also became an ambassador for Republican administrations.

For pictures of the young Shirley Temple, click here.

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