Tuesday, February 25, 2014

UCLA Divestment Tonight/Approaching Rainstorm May Be Biggest Storm in Two Years

Note: Tonight at UCLA, students are bringing a divestment resolution before the student senate, to encourage UCLA to divest from businesses that do business with Israel. If you want, spend some time tonight speaking with your children about how they would stand up for Israel if they were at UCLA--what arguments they would make. I will be going tonight to the proceedings and will report the results in tomorrow's current event.

Article: Thus far, it has rained less this winter than nearly ever before and LA is in the worst drought it has had in 100 years. Usually we have over 10" of rain by this time of year but instead, we've only had 1.2" of rain since July 1. Things may now change! This Wednesday, a rainstorm is supposed to hit that will be the wettest we have had in two years! It is supposed to be part of several storms hitting the region through Sunday. Let's hope it brings a lot of rain!

  • Why is rain important? Think of all these impacted when there is too much or too little rain.
  • What are things you can do differently in a drought to save water? 
  • Jews have a special prayer they say in winter for rain. Why? 

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