Monday, March 10, 2014

Government Acts as a Bully

Article: Lots of people like to take vacations on cruise ships. Part of the joy is all you do is show up; the ship organizes where you stop, where you tour, even what you eat. Some Israeli tourists were recently on a cruise going around the Mediterranean. When the Norwegian cruise line stopped at the Port of Tunis to visit Tunisia, Israeli tourists were denied the right to disembark from the ship by the Tunisian government. While the other tourists toured the city of Tunis, the Israelis had to stay on board. The cruise line claims they didn't know this would happen; the other Jewish passengers--not Israeli citizens--did disembark and didn't know the Israelis were being denied, since no public announcement was made.


  • How do you think the Israeli passengers felt? 
  • What could the cruise ship have done differently to stop this and send a message? The cruise ship could have told the Tunisian government that if Israelis (i.e., one nationality) was being denied, no one would disembark and they would sail away. 
  • Why would this have made a difference to Tunisia? (loss of revenue and future business) 

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