Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rescued Baby Reunited with Rescuer

Article: 26 years ago, there was a terrible car accident when a drunk driver plowed into a car with a mother and infant. The car was demolished. A Good Samaritan named Shelley (ask kids what this means) pulled over to help. As she went to check on the mother in the driver's seat, she heard a baby crying. She managed to get the baby out of the car seat. Shelley was worried the car was about to explode. The mother kept crying for her baby and falling in and out of consciousness. Shelley held the baby, Nicole, until paramedics arrived. She went with them to the hospital in the ambulance. A few days later, Shelley called the hospital to check in on them. She heard that baby had been paralyzed from the neck down. Shelley assumed it was her fault, for moving the baby. 26 years later, she happened to see a baby video of Nicole on the Internet and recognized the baby she had once rescued. She contacted the family and found out that Nicole had been paralyzed as a result of the accident, not Shelley's actions. She has since become close with the family.

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