Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Jewish Traveler Saved Because He Chose to Keep Shabbat

Article: This week, a Malaysian airplane has disappeared. Everyone is looking for what happened to it. Amazingly, one of the people supposed to be on the flight was saved because he chose to keep Shabbat. Andrew was supposed to travel from Boston to Sydney, Hong Kong, Beijing, Vietnam and back to Australia. He was supposed to attend a conference in China on Saturday. His travel agent, a religious Jew, suggested changing his flight from Saturday to Friday, so he wouldn't travel on Shabbat. When Andrew refused, the travel agent told Andrew to rebook the flight himself. Andrew reconsidered and decided to observe the Shabbat, traveling Friday morning instead of Saturday. He asked the travel agent on recommendations of where to go for Shabbat in Beijing and the travel agent recommended Chabad. If he hadn't made this change, Andrew would have been on the flight that disappeared into the mountains. When he thanked the travel agent, the travel agent said "God and Shabbat were your life savers," not me. Or as a famous quote goes, "More than the Jews keep the Sabbath, the Sabbath keeps the Jews."

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