Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Israel Company Helps Save People from a Tsunami in Chile!

Article: In 2011, an Israeli company, eVigilo, won an international bid to create an emergency system in Chile to notify people. Last week, it paid off. An earthquake hit Chile, creating a tsunami. The government was able to send text messages to millions of Chileans within seconds, using eVigilo's system, telling them of the approaching Tsunami and warning them to leave their homes. As a result, millions were ok. In contrast, in 2010, before such a system, 560 people were killed in Chile from a earthquake/tsunami that they weren't warned about in time. The company is also installing uses such systems in Singapore, Azerbaijan, Austria, Belgium and Israel, sending text messages to populations in specific locations due to emergency situations.
Question: think of where you live. What is an example of how this could be useful in your community?


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