Monday, April 7, 2014

Should Anti-Israel Groups Get to Walk in NY's Israel Day Parade?

NOTE: My daughter has expressed interest in posting comments on the current events we do, similar to the "comments" section after regular news articles on the web. So I've encouraged her to post in the "Comments Box" below my blog entries. Please feel free to encourage your kids to post comments or opinions as well in the Comments Box, as a safe place for them to begin experimenting with being part of a global news community. 

Article: Every year in the spring, New York shuts down its leading avenue, 5th Avenue, and holds an Israel Day Parade. Schools and synagogues from all over the area come to march in the parade and show support for Israel. Thousands come out to march and cheer. This year, a leading Sephardi Rabbi in New York, Rabbi Abadie, has written to the JCRC, the group organizing the parade, stating that the Sephardic congregations will all pull out of the parade unless Jewish groups that support the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) are barred from marching. According to his reasoning, groups that are calling for the dismantling of Israel should not be allowed to march in a parade supporting Israel. As evidence, he points to one of the groups, such as the New Israel Fund, which he claims openly funds anti-Israel activity and boycotts. So far the JCRC hasn't responded. Should anti-Israel Jewish groups be allowed to march in the Israel Day parade? Argue for/against each position. 

Click here for a video of last year's Israel day parade to get a sense of the scene.  

1 comment:

  1. My opinion is that people who hate Israel should not be allowed to walk in the Israel parade because the Sephardi Jews should be able to walk in the Israel parade. But if the people who hate Israel are allowed to walk in the parade, the Sephardi Jews won't and why should people who hate Israel be able to walk in the parade and people who love Israel not. So I think that Sephardi Jews should be able to walk in the parade
