Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Israel Solar Panel Robots!

Article: Israel has been enjoying cheap natural gas for the first time in its existence, thanks to major gas finds in the Mediterranean Sea adjoining Israel. But last week, Israel also got a boost in solar energy. (Question for Kids: what is solar energy? How does it work?) At Kibbutz Ketura, they have created the world's first solar energy production facility what is cleaned by 100 Israel-made robots! Every night, the robots brush and clean the hundreds of solar panels. The solar panels are important because they generate millions of hours of electricity per year. However, cleaning them is a big deal and have been a reason people have been hesitant to install them. Solar panels not only attract sun but dust; the dust alone can reduce the solar panels' effectiveness by up to 35%. In the past, cleaning them could take up to 5 days, and used up a lot of water. But the robots use microfiber, can clean much faster, and can be programmed to clean as a team or individually. Now Israel's Knesset, parliament, is planning on installing solar panels on its roof to generate all the power it needs in a project called, "Green Knesset."

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