Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Chinese Hebrew U Student Wins 1st Round in Chinese TV Competition

ArticleLechao Tang is 24 years old. His name means "happy."  He went to college at the University of Oregon to study linguistics and fell in love with Hebrew, so he decided to pursue his masters degree at Hebrew University in Bible and Ancient Near East Studies. “I couldn't resist the beauty of the Hebrew language, so I chose to study further." He also teaches Hebrew online through a Chinese web service and runs a Chinese blog about ancient Israel. 

This past week, Tang was invited to represent Hebrew University and Israel on China's highest-rated game TV show, alongside students from Harvard, Yale, Cambridge and other prominent universities. The episode was a trivia program, testing their knowledge of the Bible. Tang won! Tang said on the show that he was excited to represent both China and Israel, and spoke for two minutes about what it is like to live in Israel and at Hebrew U. The hosts of the TV show--a husband and wife team--spoke on the show about how went to Israel and placed a note in the Kotel/Western Wall, praying for a baby boy. And this year they had one! They said the Kotel brought them luck.  

Kids: in what ways are Tang and the show's hosts "good will ambassadors" for Israel? 

Watch his video here. At 32 minutes into it, see a clip of Tang's ulpan/Hebrew language classmates wishing him luck in Hebrew and a tour of Hebrew University in Chinese. 


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