Monday, October 27, 2014

IsraAid in Kurdistan

Kids: recap of what is going on with ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

Article: Israeli volunteer workers have joined the effort to help the Kurdish people, who have been displaced because of ISIS. These people have been kicked out of their homes and are in desperate need of everything: beds, food, clothing, etc. (Kids: how would you feel if you were suddenly forced out of your home and had nothing? What would you miss most?) IsraAID has now sent beds, blankest, and food to over 1,000 families in the Kurdish city, Duhok, in northern Iraq. It also included enough powdered milk for all of the 1,015 babies under the age of 1. Many of those in the refugee camp are living in tents even though there were recent rainstorms flooding the camp and cold weather has caused temperatures to dip below zero. More Kurdish refugees are arriving each day from Turkey.

According to IsraAID, the Kurdish people "really love Israel." They were aware that the foods were coming from Israel and were so happy. The Kurds and Israelis have much in common--both are battling radical Islam and trying to promote democracy in the region.

IsraAID has provided help to disaster zones around the world, from Haiti's earthquake to Japan's tsunami.


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