Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ebola Around the World

Article: Ebola, a deadly virus, is having its worst outbreak in history, mainly in Western Africa. It is spreading to other countries by people who visit West Africa--often as aid workers--and bring it back home with them. Ebola first presents as fever and stomach problems, but can quickly lead to death. As of now there is no vaccine for it. Ebola is not an air-borne virus, meaning you can't catch it by breathing the same air (like on an airplane) as someone who has the virus. It is caught through bodily contact or fluids, meaning someone who sneezes on you or touches you who is infected. Right now governments are working to keep those with the virus away from those without it and anyone who has come in contact with someone with Ebola is kept apart for 21 days--the time it takes for the virus to present itself. Obama is talking about screening people at the airport about where they have been and maybe even taking their temperatures (kids: why?) because fever is one of the first symptoms. Obama is not yet blocking flights from Africa (kids: why?) because aid workers need to get there.

Kids: what are ways to help the people in West Africa? Israel is sending three mobile clinics to Africa to help. Israelis will train local people on how to use the clinic equipment and treat others. In the coming months, IsraAID plans to send 30 medical personnel to West Africa to train people and help fight Ebola.

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