Monday, November 17, 2014

Follow up: Chicago Immigration Trial Case

Article; Last week, I posted about the guilty verdict in the Rasmieh Odeh immigration case. A new article has filled in some new information about the case, answering some questions my kids had about the case (and maybe yours did too):

  • Odeh faces 10 years in prison and is expected to lose her US citizenship. 
  • Odeh immigrated to the U.S. from Jordan, so if she is deported, it will be to Jordan, not Israel. 
  • When first arrested on charges, Odeh claimed "mistaken identity;" this means that she said the police had the wrong woman; the terror charges did not relate to her but to someone else. How do you think this later impacted whether the judge/jury felt Rasmieh was an honest person who didn't lie? 
  • An Israeli NGO, Shurat Hadin, helped the US prosecutors find documents from the IDF, proving that Odeh was the right woman who had spent time in Israeli jail for terrorism. Without this information, do you think Rasmieh still could have been convicted?
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