Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Jordanian Citizen Begins Trial in Jordan for Attempting to Hurt Israel

Article: A security court in Jordan (find Jordan on map) started proceedings this week for a trial involving a Jordanian citizen who is suspected of having attempted to sneak into Israel from the Northern Jordanian border to commit a terrorist attack. He was caught by Jordanian border police as hew as trying to cross into Israel. Anas Awamra, 21, has been arrested and in Jordanian jail since August, and has pleaded not guilty. Awamra was charged with (1) performing actions that harm the Jordanian kingdom's relations with a foreign state and (2) for attempting to enter Israel illegally. If convicted, he will be in jail for 3 to 10 years.

Further Questions: 

  1. Why do these criminal charges mean? Break them down. 
  2. Why does Jordan have these crimes? What purpose are they meant to serve (keep relations good with Israel and help Israel)
  3. Why would Jordan want to help Israel and keep relations good? (1994 peace treaty between Jordan and Israel; good for economy; for politics; Jordan has billion dollar oil deal in place with Israel, etc.) What does it mean to be an ally? 
  4. You can be an ally as a nation or as a person in school or really anywhere. What is an example of a time when you were an ally or saw someone being an ally? 

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