Monday, November 24, 2014

Nazi-Looted Paintings: Who Owns It?

Article: The German son of a Nazi-era art dealer, who hoarded hundreds of artworks looted from Jews during WWII, has died. What does it mean to loot? (= steal) Give an example. In his will, he left all the art to teh Bern Art Museum. His familial heirs have pledged to immediately return the works to their rightful owners, should they inherit. What does it mean to inherit? The museum has agreed to accept all the works but if their Board of Trustees refuses, they will go to the family heirs. The art is estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Ronald Lauder, head of the World Jewish Congress, has told the museum not to accept the art. Why would the museum choose to accept or not to accept it? What do you think is the right thing to do? 

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