Monday, January 7, 2013

Al Jazeera TV Comes To Mainstream America

 Discussion Outline: 
  • How do shows appear on our television? Discuss how networks buy shows and choose what appears on our TV.
  • Al Jazeera is a Qatar-based news organization.
    • Map: Where is Qatar? Where is Qatar in relation to Israel?
  • Why would a Qatar-based news organization want to come to America and be on our TV screens?
  • What are ways news stations can "slant" how we hear the news?
  • Some say Al Jazeera is known for anti-Israel and sometimes anti-Semitic reporting.
  • What "angle" does Al Jazeera say it's going to have? (Answer: International)
  • Why would some American Jews worry that Al Jazeera is now going to be teaching Americans news about Israel?

  • What could be something new Al Jazeera can bring into American homes that isn't currently being shown? (Ideas: Middle Eastern shows, information about the Middle East, etc.)


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