Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Israeli Election v. American Girl Doll

There are two possible topics for tonight: the Israeli election results or an American Girl Doll article I could not resist and which my daughter absolutely adored. The choice is yours.

Israeli election article: click here

Discussion Outline:

  • Yesterday was Election Day in Israel. What do you remember about Election Day in America? 
  • Prime Minister Netanyahu won by a slim margin. It means he has to come to agreement with other parties in order to form a coalition government. (Explain Israeli political system.)
  • To form a coalition, it means Netanyahu will have to compromise on certain things he wanted to do as prime minister. Can you think of a time you had to compromise in order to accomplish something? 
OR (admittedly my preference)

American Girl Doll article: click here

Discussion Outline:

  • I literally read the article out loud to my daughter. She understood it. 
  • Questions: 
    • Why does the librarian loan out Kirsten? How come some parents don't buy it for their daughters? (Answer: expense; values)
    • She is loaned out in an unusual way. How? What does "honor code" mean? 
    • What idea did Flora have for raising money to fix Kirsten? 
    • Do you think your library should do this? If yes, how can you go about making this happen? What valuable toy/doll would you want the library to loan out out?

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