Monday, January 28, 2013

Women to Become Combat Soldiers in U.S.

Summary of Article: until now, women have served in the U.S. military, but not in combat positions. The pentagon just announced that they are lifting this rule. Now, women will be able to serve in all branches of the military (marines, army, navy, air force), in combat capacities. Click here for article.

iPad: click on article for pictures of women in soldier uniforms, preparing for combat.

Discussion Outline:
  • What are different types of jobs soldiers do in the military? (Fly planes, fight, attack the enemy, make places safe from bad guys, drive tanks, etc.)
  • Who can be a soldier in America? (Anyone over 18, of any nationality, religion, etc.) However, until now women could not be combat soldiers/fighting soldiers. They could fly planes, help protect people, drive tanks, but they were not allowed to fight.
  • Why did women in the military not like this rule? (Answer: they could not rise in rank in the military without first becoming a combat soldier. It was like a "glass ceiling" in the military. Also, it ignored the reality that many women were finding themselves in situations where they had to fight, without receiving the recognition.
  • Why do some people not want women to fight? (Answer: chivalry; in combat situations, men and women must live together, share bathrooms, and generally be in very close quarters. Some say men will not fight as well because they will instinctually want to protect female soldiers in combat).
  • Do you think women should be allowed to be in combat? Why or why not?
Bonus: When men or women soldiers are sent away to fight, it impacts many people. Who and how? (Answer: their families back home, their children, they can be away for years. Imagine your parent away for years...) What are some ways parent-soldiers try to stay in touch with their families?

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