Thursday, January 31, 2013

President Obama Announces Immigration Reform

Summary for parents: Obama announced this week his vision for comprehensive immigration reform. It includes a path to citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants in America and tighter border security. Click here for article.

Discussion Outline:

  • An immigrant is someone who moves to a new country. How did your family come to America? When they came they were immigrants.
  • Most people move to a new country with permission. It is called a visa. Some people can't get visas, mainly because they live in countries where too many people are trying to come to America. These people sometimes sneak into America without permission. How do you sneak into America? (Examples: by car or by foot from Mexico, by boat from Asia, overstaying a visa after arriving by plane). This is called illegal immigration.
  • Now there are 11 million people in America without permission. Most of them work here, send their children to school and want to stay here and become citizens. Do you think they should?
  • President Obama has a plan to help them. What do you think that plan should be?
  • The plan is:
    • tighting the borders so its harder for people to come without permission
    • making it harder for people to hire illegal immigrants
    • issuing temporary visas and making a path to help people become citizens, through registering, paying taxes, and not committing crimes.
    • What do you think of these ideas?
  • If you were living in America illegally, what would you be most scared of?
  • Many illegal immigrants come to America and have children here. Their children are citizens because they are born here. Other kids are brought here illegally by their parents when they are babies. What challenges do these families have?

  • Bonus for older kids: discuss Jews trying to enter Israel illegally post-WWII and detainee camps in Cyprus; risis for Jews during and post-WWII to get visas to countries.

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