Thursday, March 7, 2013

Annual Marathon Cancelled in Gaza

Summary of Article: For the last few years, UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) has sponsored a marathon in Gaza, this year to be held on April 10. People come from all over the world to participate. A record number of women were to have participated this year--260 Palestinian women and 119 foreigners, and 1500 schoolchildren (who run a symbolic distance). The marathon is an annual event to raise money for UNRWA summer camps, to which 250,000 Palestinian children go.  Hamas just announced that women can't participate in the marathon because it contravenes Islamic tradition, even though they have run the last few years. UNRWA cancelled the marathon in response to Hamas's announcement.

Map: Where is Gaza?

Discussion Outline:

  • There are many different types of governments. A democracy is where the people decide who is in power. In Gaza, the Palestinian people there voted to elect Hamas to power, which is a terrorist group and a fundamentalist Islamic group. Some think that they were voted to power because they promised to help the Palestinian people build hospitals and schools, which they haven't done.  
  • Every year in Gaza there is a marathon. What is a marathon? Do you know anyone who has run a marathon? Why is it a fun thing to do and people like training for it?
  • Gaza's marathon is organized by the UN, an organization in Gaza to help the Palestinians. This year, Hamas said women can't run in the marathon because it isn't modest. Why would they think this? Do you agree with Hamas's decision? How do you think the women who had trained for the marathon feel?
  • If you were UNRWA, the marathon organizers, what would you do in response? Why?

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