Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Biography: Ruth Calderon

Summary of Article: Ruth Calderon is a new member of the Israeli Knesset. She recently made headlines when she gave a shiur (Torah class) in her new-member-of-Knesset speech. Most new MKs give a speech about their resume, history or plans of action; she spoke instead words of Torah. Coming from a family of mixed heritages--a Sephardic father from Bulgaria, a German Ashkenazi mother--she grew up traditional and secular. She then went on to study Talmud in university as the only woman in the program, and later founded a secular Yeshiva in Tel Aviv. Her speech in Knesset was about uniting the Jewish people and showing how religious and secular Jews can all learn from each other and all contribute to Israel. Her Talmud-based speech was important as not only coming from a woman, but a secular, learned woman. Picture of Calderon.

Discussion with Kids:

  • Explain her bio, who she is, what her background is professionally, religiously, personally.
  • If you were giving a speech to the world for the first time and could say anything at all, what would you say? 
  • Ruth Calderon spoke words of Torah in the hopes of uniting religious and secular Jews. What do you think about this idea and why? 
  • What are some issues dividing religious and secular Jews in Israel right now? (Military service for Haredi men, vast welfare/govt benefits for religious Jews, feelings of superiority by different groups). How could this speech help bridge the divide in Israel?
  • If you were to come up with an idea to help religious and secular Jews in Israel get along better, what would your idea be? 
Bonus: View parts of her speech here.

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