Monday, March 11, 2013

Immigration Overhaul Planned

Summary of article: senators have come to a consensus about what immigration overhaul may look like: illegal immigrants would have to go on file with homeland security, pay income taxes, not have a criminal record, and not be eligible for certain govt benefits, like Medicare and food stamps. They will also have to pay a fine, amount TBD. They would likely be eligible for a green card after 10 or more years.

Discussion with Kids:

  • Remember when we spoke about immigration reform a few months ago? What do you remember? What does it mean to be a legal or illegal immigrant?
  • The govt is coming up with a plan to help people illegally in America. What do you think the plan should be? Should it include a punishment for having come here illegally? Should it include illegals who committed crimes? Should they get all the same benefits as US citizens? Why or why not?
  • Tell the details of plan outlined above and discuss the merits. 
  • Bonus: discuss how the legislative process works and how a bill must be passed by both Houses and then go to the President for signing. 

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