Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Architectural Preservation: Post Office Buildings

Summary of Article: Many post office buildings are currently for sale or about to be put up for sale. Preservation groups say these buildings are architectural landmarks and should be protected for their design elements and historic features. Others say they should be sold for money. Look at link for pictures of examples.

Discussion with Kids:
  • Today's current event is about "architectural preservation." What does this mean? What is "architecture?" What does it mean to "preserve?" 
  • Some buildings are considered to be like works of art that you see in a museum. They are beautiful, have special elements of design and should be kept in their original form (instead of torn down to make new, different buildings) just like you would keep a work of precious art. What do you think makes a building special enough to be worthy of preserving? Think of some examples of architecture that you've notice.
  • Look at the pictures of post office buildings in the article. Have the kids describe why these buildings may be worth preserving instead of tearing down or why they are not worth preserving, in their opinion.

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