Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Jews From the Amazon to Begin Aliyah to Israel

Summary of Article: A group of 284 Jewish converts from Peru's rain forest have received permission from Israel's Interior Ministry to begin making aliyah to Israel. The group is joining previous waves of converts from the rain forest (in 2001 and 2005). They come from Inquitos, the largest city in Peru's rain forest. In the 1800s, Jews from Morocco settled in the rain forest to work in the rubber industry. They married local women and had children. These converts are their descendants. They were converted to Judaism in 2011 by a Conservative rabbi, after learning about Judaism for 5 years. They are relocating to Ramle, Israel, where there is already a community of Jews from Inquitos. 

Discussion with Kids:
  • Where is Peru? Where is the rain forest? We recently discussed the rain forest. In what context? (Earth Day). Here are pictures of Inquitos.
  • Where do Jews live; what does a Jew look like? (Everywhere in the world; Jews come in all colors and ethnicities). Recently, some people living in the Peruvian rain forest decided to become Jews. (Tell the above story). 
  • What does it mean to convert to Judaism? Is it hard or easy to do? (Hard -- you must study for many years and then take a big test to show a rabbi that you've learned what it means to be a Jew). 
  • Who automatically can move to Israel? (Any Jewish person in the world.) Why is there this special rule, called the Law of Return? (Because for a long time, Jews had no land or place to go to. This law makes sure Jews always have somewhere to go.) The new Jews of the Amazon want to go to Israel. Do you think they should be able to? 
  • When they move to Israel, what will be some challenges they will face? Why do you think they want to move?
  • What is special about having Inquitos Jews in Israel? (Create diversity, help other Jews learn new traditions, help strengthen and increase the people of Israel). 

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