Thursday, April 18, 2013

Schoolchildren in Greece Going Hungry

Summary of Article: Today in Greece, more children are suffering from hunger than ever before. This is due in part to rampant unemployment, where parents have gone for months without work and literally have no money to buy food with. Also, unlike in America where schools have subsidized cafeteria lunches, in Greece, all kids bring lunch from home or buy from a canteen at regular prices.

Discussion with Kids:
  • Where is Greece? What are some stories we know of that involve Greeks? (Greek mythology; Chanukah story; Olympics began in Greece) 
  • Today in Greece, many grownups cannot find jobs. What happens when grownups can't work? (There's no money in the house). If there's no money in the house, what does that mean? (No money for food, for rent, for clothes, for toys). 
  • One big problem is not enough money for food. Schools in Greece don't provide hot lunch like schools in America. What does this mean for some kids?
  • What do you think these hungry students are doing to find food? (Teachers are seeing students at school going through trashcans to find food; fainting from hunger; stealing food; having painful stomach cramps; begging food from their friends.)
  • How do you think these students feel? (Sad, ashamed, embarrassed, hungry)
  • The government wants to help but there is no money. What are ways to help? (Some private organizations are trying to donate lunches; the Greek Orthodox Church is trying to give food). 

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