Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Obama's Visit to Israel

Welcome back from Passover! I will again blog a nightly article to discuss with your kids. Enjoy!

Summary of Article: While we were on a blogging break, Obama made a historic trip to Israel. It was his first trip to Israel since he became President. He made inspiring speeches about the connection between Israel and America and reasserted the Jews' 3000 year connection to the land.

Video of Speech made upon arrival in Israel

Questions for Discussion:
  • If you were Obama, why would you want to visit Israel? (To show the world that Israel and America are good friends)
  • What would you talk about in your speech to Israel? (Reinforce that America and Israel are good friends; talk about how America will support Israel militarily and politically; talk about why the two countries are allies)
  • Where would you visit? Obama did not visit the Western Wall but did visit the Israel Museum's Dead Sea Scrolls as well as the grave of Theodore Herzl, founder of modern Zionism. He was only there for two days so he didn't have time to go to the beach or Dead Sea.

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