Tuesday, April 16, 2013

SodaStream: Bridges for Peace in Israel

Chag Sameach/Happy Israel's Independence Day!

In honor of today being Israel's Independence Day, we will look at a company working to bring peace to the region.

Summary of Video: SodaStream, a Jewish-owned company based in the West Bank, employs both Jewish and Arab workers in its factory. For its Arab workers, it sends a special bus through the West Bank to pick them up and bring them to/from work. It provides them with a special prayer room, gives them managerial positions, and makes them part of the larger company "family." By bringing Arabs and Jews together within one company and aiming to give the Arab workers a profession and livelihood, it is seeking to bring peaceful co-existence to the region.

Discussion With Kids:
  • Did you do anything to celebrate Israel's Independence Day today? 
  • Israel is a beautiful, holy land that also has to deal with finding peace with her neighbors. 
  • Here is a video about one way someone tries to make peace. Watch the video.
  • What is the video about? 
  • In what ways is the Jewish owner of the company trying to help the Arab employees? 
  • How do the Arab employees feel about the company? 
  • If you were to think of a way to bring peace to Israel, what would your idea be? 
  • According to Rambam/Maimonides, a famous Rabbi, the highest form of Tzedakah/charity is giving a job. Why is this the highest form, higher than giving someone money? How does the owner of SodaStream fulfill this idea?

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