Monday, May 6, 2013

Bees Disappearing in the U.S. May Cause Food Crisis

Summary of Article: Since 2006, the U.S. is losing a third of its honeybee population each year. This is dangerous not only for bees, but because their pollination is critical for the production of certain fruits and vegetables. No one knows the exact reasons for their disappearance though some believe it is a combination of different chemicals and pesticides found in their nests. Some say their levels are already pushing the nation to the brink.

Discussion with Kids:

  • What do honeybees do? What to they make? (Honey; They pollinate 90 different types of flowering crops.) 
  • Summarize article. 
  • Guess how much of the human diet comes from foods that bees pollinate? (One third.) What are some types of foods we rely on from them? (Apples, nuts, avocados, asparagus  broccoli, lemons, grapefruit, cranberries, oranges.) If we don't have enough bees to pollinate our crops in America, what could happen? Why is this a problem? 
  • Farmers aren't sure why the bees are disappearing. What could be some reasons? (Pesticides, poor nutrition, parasites, genetics, habitat loss, viruses). 
  • What are things we can do to try to help the bees? 

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