Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Rhinos Becoming Extinct Because of Craze For Their Horns

Summary of Article: Right now in Vietnam, there is a craze for rhino horns, making them particularly valuable and expensive. (A horn costs $100,000/kg.) Traditionally, rhino horn powder was used in Chinese medicine. But due to crackdowns in rhino poaching in Africa, that medicinal practice declined and from 1990-2007, only 15 rhinos were poached in South Africa. But in 2012, that number hit 688. What changed: cancer diagnoses are rising in Vietnam, an uncorroborated rumor has spread in Vietnam that rhino horn powder cured a local politician's cancer, and there are a rising number of millionaires in Vietnam who can afford the power. Others say that the powder is the new hot party drug in Vietnam, even though it is more expensive than cocaine. Either way, rhinos are in danger. They are now 100% extinct in Vietnam and in grave danger in Asia and Africa.

Discussion with Kids:
  • What makes a rhino distinctive looking? Horns. Here's a picture.
  • Summarize above.
  • What can we do to try to save the rhinos? Why is it important to save them?

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