Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Young Scientist Wins $50,000 For Her Invention

Summary of Article: A California teenager, Eesha Khare, won the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her invention: an energy storing device that is tiny and can recharge a cell phone in 20 seconds. She won $50,000 for this invention and possible interest from Google. Her money will go toward her education at Harvard University, to where she will matriculate this fall.

Discussion with Kids:
  • How do we recharge electrical devices, like cell phones, iPads, etc.? (Chargers; show one). How long does it usually take? (Hours). Let's plug one in right now and how long it takes. 
  • A girl who nears near San Francisco decided to invent a charger that is smaller and faster than the ones we have today. And she succeeded! Hers is tiny and charges a cell phone in only 20 seconds! She won $50,000 at a competition for her invention and Google, an important company, maybe wants to buy it. Here's a news report about it.
  • What other things that her charger could be useful for?
  • What is something you would like to invent?
  • If you won $50,000, what would you put the money toward? Eesha is putting it toward going to college at Harvard University, one of the best universities in the world. 
  • If you could study anything at the best university of the world, what would you study and why?

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