Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"Official" Secularism in France Clashes with Rising Religious Workers

Summary of Article: In France, government is officially secular, so it is forbidden for any religion to broadcast itself in the public sphere. This means wearing crosses, kippot, and Muslim headscarves in public employment are all prohibited. This is coming into increasing conflict in the workplace because of the rising number of Muslims in France. Specifically, Muslim religious men are refusing to take orders from female bosses, to shake hands with women, and to touch products containing alcohol or pork, to requiring prayer accommodations and women wanting to wear headscarves.

Discussion with Kids:

  • In America, what religion is our government? It is no religion. We have separation of church and state in America, which means that everyone practices their own religion and the government doesn't endorse any particular religion. Why have this rule? Who does it protect and how? (Minority religions.)
  • In France, which used to be a Catholic nation, it is now officially no religion/secular. They even have rules prohibiting displays of one's religion at work. What would some examples of this be? 
  • A big problem is the growing number of religious Muslims in France, who want to practice their religion in public. Explain article. 
  • What would you do if you were the French government? 
  • Would this problem happen in America? How would it be dealt with? (Explain religious accommodation law, which says employers must reasonably try to accommodate a religion, unless it is an undue hardship/too hard for the employer). 

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