Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Woman Charged with Sneaking Poisoned Drinks Into Starbucks

Summary of Article: A Starbucks customer saw a woman secretly taking orange juice bottles from her purse and putting them into a Starbucks refrigerator. The bottles smelled "toxic" and were found to have rubbing alcohol in them. The customer alerted police, who traced the woman back to her home using a license plate number provided by a witness. They arrested her for possible felony poisoning. She did not provide a motive.

Discussion with Kids:

  • When you go to Starbucks/Coffee Bean, what do you buy? Have you ever bought a juice or chocolate milk from there? Where is it stored? (In the refrigerator section). 
  • Summarize what the woman did. Why is this wrong? Who could get hurt from this?
  • If you wanted to catch a suspect and you were the police, how would you track her down? (Video surveillance, interview eyewitnesses, etc.) Explain how police caught her.
  • If you were a prosecutor, what would you charge the woman with? (She was charged with felony poisoning.) If you were her lawyer, what would you argue to free her? (Insanity; find a motive; duress)
  • What is something you can do to help make sure that you aren't buying tampered goods? (Ensure seal isn't broken). Look in your pantry and fridge to compare opened products v. sealed.

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