Thursday, May 22, 2014

Coup Takeover in Thailand

Article: Today, Thailand's military seized power from the government, taking over control and ousting the Prime Minister. The city of Bangkok is under curfew, meaning no one can go out from 10pm-5am, and rioters are told to disperse. This is the 12th military coup in 84 years. Party officials are under house arrest. The new military government happened without bloodshed and says they plan on restoring the peace after months of political upheaval and street fights, in which over 20 people have died. All TV stations, except for the military's station, have been turned off. Some journalists are still posting online through twitter, but at great risk.


  • Where is Thailand? Find on a map. 
  • What is a "coup," particularly a "military" one? 
  • How is a military government different from a democratically elected government? Which do we have in our land? Which would you prefer to live under and why? 
  • When all the TV stations except for the military's are turned off, what rights are being limited? (Clue: how do people get information now? Who is controlling the information now and why do they wish to do so?) 

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