Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hate Crimes in Israel

We're back to current events again! Hope everyone had a great Passover and Yom Haatzmaut! 

Article: In the last month in Israel there have been 6 incidents of Jewish extremists vandalizing Arab property and writing terrible things. For instance, this group, now being called "terrorists" and known as the "price tag" group, have (1) slashed the tires of an Arab man's car; written "death to Arabs" on an Arab man's property; (3) slashed the windows of an Druze man's dental office and spray painted a star of David; and other actions. The Israeli government is seeking to arrest the perpetrators, administratively detain them, and condemn their actions.

Kids: what do you think should be done? Is there any difference if the victim is Arab or Jewish? What makes something a hate crime and why is it hurtful not just to the victim but to the victim's whole community?

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