Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ukraine Follow Up: Israel Rescues Ukrainian Jews

Before introducing the article, ask your kids to recall what is going on in the Ukraine (subject of our current event on March 17, 2014. Basically, there has been major political and social unrest in the Ukraine, and it has become increasingly difficult for Jews to live there. 

Article: This week, two Jewish families, numbering 6 people, were at the Donetsk airport waiting to make aliyah/immigrate to Israel. At that moment, rebel forces (soldiers against the government), seized control of the airport, trapping the 2 families. (Kids: why would rebel forces want to control the airport, as a way of taking over the Ukrainian government?) The Jewish Agency, a branch of the Israeli government that helps people move to Israel, immediately began a "fast-paced operation." They snuck the families out of the airport and drove them to another Ukrainian city, Dnepropetrovskwhere they flew to Kiev, where they got on a plane to Tel Aviv. They are now safe in Israel. (Kids: if this hadn't happened, what may have happened to these families' desire to leave Ukraine and go to Israel?) Immigration from Ukraine to Israel has spiked due to the tensions in Ukraine.

See map of Ukraine and find the different cities we are talking about. 

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