Tuesday, May 27, 2014

New Israel-China Partnership

Article: Hundreds of Chinese government and business officials arrived in Israel this week to announce and work on a partnership between Tel Aviv University and Beijing's Tsinghua University, investing $300 million to establish the XIN Research Center. The Center will research technologies in biotech, solar energy, water and environment. Both Israel and China gave money toward the project, with the majority coming from private donors. This past Tuesday (one week ago today) was the first ever Israel-China summit and some in Israel called it, "China Week," for the sheer number of Chinese visiting Israel. One of the reasons for this is China wants to upgrade its country, and seeks Israel's help to do that.

Kids: What does it mean to "upgrade?" Can you think of other contexts in which we use this word? What are some ways China wants to upgrade? Why does China want to upgrade?

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