Recently Gabriel Garcia Marquez passed away at the age of 87. His books, written in Spanish and translated into over 25 languages, made him a Nobel prize winner for literature (1982). He is considered the most popular Spanish-language writer since the 17th Century. Many of his books outsold everything in Spanish except the Bible. Some of his most famous books include "Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Love in the Time of Cholera, One Hundred Years of Solitude." (Kids: ask your parents if they've read these books). He is known for magical realism, in which he tells a story the blends magic into it, such as a boy born with a pig's tail. He wrote about everything from poets to beggars, soldiers to musicians.
Garcia Marquez was born in a small Colombian town in 1927, the eldest of 11 children. His family says he was telling stories as soon as he could talk. He became a journalist and married a childhood neighbor, with whom he had 2 sons. The Colombian government accused him of helping an anti-government group, so he moved to Mexico City, where he lived for the rest of his life. He was often denied a visa to the U.S. for his far left-wing politics.
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