Monday, May 19, 2014

IDF Combat Camerapeople

Article: The Israeli army has trained 24 soldiers to work as "combat cameramen," a new division of the army to document was Israeli soldiers are doing from the inside. (Kids: why would they want to do this?) They are doing this to create visual evidence of what the IDF actually does, to fight false accusations of what the soldiers do. The combat cameramen will use photographs and videos to show what combat soldiers do. They will train with and follow regular combat units, and one day, the IDF's elite units.

One of the cases spurring this new development was that of the false accusation about Mohammad al-Dura. In the Second Intifada, Palestinians claimed that the IDF shot a child while his father was protecting him, with a video to prove it. However, when the raw video footage was finally watched and investigated forensically, the bullet coming at the boy was not coming from the direction of the Israeli soldiers. Also, the full film reel shows the child moving after he was supposedly dead. In other words, the video had been totally manipulated and made up to hurt Israeli soldiers. It was very successful as many people still believe today that the video was true and that the child died by Israeli bullets.

The new army unit hopes to combat this. Kids: what do you think of this? Will they be successful? What dangers do the cameramen face?


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