Monday, July 21, 2014

CA's Drought -- Little Known Crisis Situation

Article: California is in the worst drought in history. The Governor of CA is calling for everyone to reduce water use by 20%; but so far people have only reduced by 5%. The Governor has already consulted with Israel on what to do. CA will be in an emergency situation over the drought by November. Pay attention to prices in grocery stores: as the supplier of over 90% the nation's broccoli, tomatoes and almonds, prices for certain vegies are going to soar. Watch this important video on the drought situation.

Kids: what are things we can do to help the drought? Ideas:
  • Use less water in the bathtub when you bathe.
  • Stop using the dishwasher. Wash dishes by hand; take the leftover dish water and pour onto plants. 
  • Do less laundry. Only wash what is really dirty and smelly. 
  • Water your lawn less, or not at all.
  • Plant drought resistant plants. 
  • When washing fruits and vegetables, catch the water (don't let it go down the drain) and use it to water plants. Ditto when you boil water for cooking or leftover water in water bottles. 

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