Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Week 2 of the War: 2 Stories

Article: As of today, over 1,000 rockets have been launched into Israel in the last week. Since rockets are being launched from Gaza, Lebanon and Egypt, 100% of Israel is now under attack. (See map). We should all continue praying for the safety of Israel and Israeli soldiers.

Here are two stories from the war to share with kids: David Khashdi, 7 years old, saved his great-grandmother's life yesterday afternoon. He lives in Ashdod with his family; they are originally from the Caucasus region (Kids: find on map) and his great-grandmother only speaks Russian, no Hebrew. Yesterday, while the great-grandmother was in the kitchen and David was watching TV in the protected room, an air raid siren went off alerting them to an oncoming rocket. The great-grandmother didn't hear the siren (Kids: why not?) so David called out to her and then helped her into the protected room. Seconds later, a rocket hit the road outside, shattering all the house's windows on the bottom floor and blasting a hole through the living room wall. David wasn't able to close the protected room's door in time, so some of the glass flew into the protected room and cut his leg. David was fine after being treated at the hospital. Their car outside was thrown into the air and destroyed by the blast. Because of David's quick thinking, his grandmother's life was saved. (Kids: what lesson to learn here? That even kids can save lives; that we should protect ourselves; that we should look out for others, etc.)

David's next door neighbor also had a close call. Usually when the siren goes off, the wife always runs to the safe room but the husband doesn't, preferring to sit at his computer and ignore the risk. (Kids: is this a smart thing to do?) For some reason he can't explain, when the siren went off this time, the husband ran into the protected room. It saved his life. If he hadn't left his computer, he would have died from the window glass shattering. He says his "sixth sense" to get up was a miracle from God.


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